41 Dorothy Annan, Untitled, ceramic tile
Relatively little is known about this mural, for which only a couple of grainy images survive. Designed by Dorothy Annan, it was destroyed during the rebuilding of a classroom block in the mid 1990s....
Relatively little is known about this mural, for which only a couple of grainy images survive. Designed by Dorothy Annan, it was destroyed during the rebuilding of a classroom block in the mid 1990s....
Hand-painted ceramic tiles which depict the various different apparatus used in telecommunications. The building has long been under threat of demolition and the murals have certainly seen better days. However, despite graffiti and bills on various...
by Henrietta Billings We have recently been to look at one of Dorothy Annan's few surviving murals, in Cayley Primary School in Tower Hamlets, East London. Still fixed in its original location, the large textured glass and plaster panel, concealed u...
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